Was I never worth that tiny sliver of stay?
Who was I supposed to love, if those who I loved did not love me back?
Where was I going to find my home, warm and safe, without loosing away most important parts of me?
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.
Was I never worth that tiny sliver of stay?
Who was I supposed to love, if those who I loved did not love me back?
Where was I going to find my home, warm and safe, without loosing away most important parts of me?
All the unexpected things happened in that moment. All the troubling thoughts of long lost past, they vanished at once, and all I could see was how attracted I was to those eyes. Her playful nature, her beautiful smile. Her thoughts that had captured me, but I could not hear them at all. Her soft skin and tender hug. All the uncertainties and my usual avoidances, did not matter anymore. My mind was taken over by her.
I am a weaver on paper
I weave lace in my drawings
Weave words in my stories
Weaver of my own will and mind
Still could not weave enough
For my own life
Ah, you foolish little heart.
Never could understand why it felt the way it did, why others got the things you wanted so dearly. You only got to dream of them.
Maybe there were lessons to be learned in those long lone nights. But for how long can a lesson be, until it turns into a torture. Silence was an amazing teacher, until it yelled so loud, and all you wished for was to be more.
Ah you foolish little heart.
Knowing you tried to do all the right things, yet still end up in empty embraces. With all the love you wanted to give but only to end up loving your tears rolling down your face. Yet you keep longing for all the impossible things, and that just breaks me in a million different ways.
Foolish, of you to keep fighting, what if all you want the most cannot find its way to you. What if you are not good enough to deserve it to come your way. What if your hopes are just pointlesly sown into the wind.
What a fool you are, indeed.