This way I move from day to day without ever realizing how nightly creatures have changed me. They wonder how I manage so easily to avoid them. There's no art in that, thats the way I have always done. Only few of them, would dare to notice. Few would try to change me on purpose, but they would fail. You can't change something that doesn't want to be changed. Have I become weaker in my own mind to miss these self made illusions and mindless sets of dissolutions? And what if when I come out in sun it burns me and all the creatures that dared to follow me?
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

One night again I can feel the perfect feeling. One body of two swaying away to music and dance. Wherever you move I move. I don't have to think anymore, my body moves there by itself. After an hour or two we're left the only ones over here, but just a little secret from me is that all this time it felt like there never was anyone else. Just us and music, but even here I would say I didn't hear a single song. And after it all walking home I wished for cold wind to cool me down. If not to cool down then just dance one more dance just like in those long lost dreams.
surreal world
Sometimes I feel like I live in some surreal world. I feel like my mind inhabits this strange body, that doesn't feel like mine. What is going on I think then. I feel like sometimes I'm at the wrong place with the wrong people. Mirrors weirdly become my enemies, they don't seem to really show who I am. They can only show this body that I don't think belongs to me. Only at some few unexplainable moments of my life I feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be.
Maybe it's all only in my mind.
a little bit of Africa
"Deep in the Forest / The drums play strong / It is sacred / The whiteness of the moon / Has been tied to the darkness / The mystery of the night / Is found on her body / And in her eyes as well / In her heart a child cries / A cry of loneliness / Bissau is sleeping but doesn't know it / My child, my love, you are sleeping / And not knowing it"
Ziņas (Atom)