

nice quote

”If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hopper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer
If you're a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in! 
Come in!”

Kisses kept are wasted; Love is to be tasted. 
There are some you love, I know; 
Be not loathe to tell them so. 
Lips go dry and eyes grow wet 
Waiting to be warmly met. 
Keep them not in waiting yet;
 Kisses kept are wasted.



As I go down this road
Hand in hand with my own insanity.
When my heart divides herself in two parts
One for guilt and one for being true to myself
And before I reach the end of this,
I'll let go of everything I've kept in me.
I will leave my heart to a new beginning.
As soon as I come to the end of this
Insane road of mine.


maybe I'll never know

If there are no laws saying that it is wrong is it really wrong?
What if some actions most people see as immoral, are not actually immoral, but they are just fine and won't do any harm.  So by not doing them we might just slow down our evolution? The more I think about it the more I consider that human selfishness might be at fault. Too many people I guess are just too uptight in their thinking. So I just have to just sit here and guess.