Sometimes when we speak too much, words start to lose all the meaning that they are meant to bring. They turn to shallow laughs, worn out jokes and lost deep connections.
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

Save me
Let me hold your fire in my open arms, I don't care if it will burn me.
Let me pick down all the stars from the sky, and share them with you like the sweetest candy.
Let me dream about all we could do a little bit more.
If they say you are not perfect, say that you are happy and free to yourself.
That is most important of it all.
Going blind
What am I supposed to say when the words don't flow anymore. My legs keep shaking from fear and I just can't breathe. Keep repeating to myself, let go of this madness inside. Hoping this would be easier.
What am I supposed to think, when all the fear keeps me away. Keeps me to myself. I just keep hearing, at the back of my head, be brave.
Let go.
Ziņas (Atom)