I want to be your favorite book, you take in your arms. Flip through pages, some still fresh, some already worn out. Smell the print of letters and covers. Immerse into stories you know you just have to read.
I want to feel your fingers brushing down my story pages. While you let me pull you in for hours, to try and figure out the upcoming twist.
I want to be the best book you have ever held.
I want to...
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

Be real
As the dark red sky illuminates, right before the darkness falls. So I got to ask if I would call, would you come for me? Even though time has passed, I would even say a little too much time. Or would you turn your cheek the other way and pretend?
As the bright fire clouds run all over, to swallow us, but not quite yet. I blindy seek for more of the future sights. Reach into parts of me that noone should ever reach. And if they gave you your sight back would you look at me? Even if we would need just a little more time to understand, but we would never get enough. Or would you cringe and pretend as if my eyes were too empty for you?
As the darkness takes us all, and lets the thunder rumble as if it owns the whole world by himself. I will lay my body next to my favorite place, soaked and frozen, not the best sight as you know. So I got to ask if you would be able to find me? And lay your body next to mine, hold my hand in yours and stop all the pointless pretend?
Third one's charm
Going back to the coldest night, where we didn't get a chance to talk. Just akwardly, silenty I followed you. Just a kiss, but please don't tell. I can't just for now tell you where it would lead. But if we do try, let's try for the second chance we get. To find some time to gaze, and hold and just talk.
Going back to the coldest night, where we didn't get a chance to talk. Maybe next time when we do, it won't seem so cold anymore.
Going back to the coldest night, where we didn't get a chance to talk. Maybe next time when we do, it won't seem so cold anymore.
Everything I need
Do you know what real freedom feels like?
Satisfaction of an impulse,
Perfect sound and those tiny details
Movement of whirlpool.
Do you know what real freedom feels to me?
Loud music throbbing through my veins.
My muscles doing all the work for me,
Darkness so deep the room turns to infinity.
Do you know how to make me feel free again?
Just turn on the music that takes me away into dance without hesitation.
Let me fly away with my eyes closed.
Ziņas (Atom)