- Laughing so hard you don’t even make any noise.
- Hear songs that bring you back to great moments in your life.
- Have those random good-hair days when you just feel beautiful or handsome
- Correctly guessing an old password on a website you haven’t visited in awhile.
- That instant when the thing you didn’t understand suddenly makes complete sense.
- Waking up, realizing it’s the weekend, and curling up for another thirty minutes of sleep.
- Sitting outside during a thunderstorm. The sound of the thunder, the flash of lightning and the smell of rain to remind you of the beauty of nature.
- When you’re hot under your bed covers and you stick one leg out from under the covers to cool off.
- Popping bubble wrap.
- Wind blowing through your hair.
- Randomly catching a glimpse of your reflection in a window or mirror and liking what you see.
- Seeing the person who makes your heart race, even if it’s just for a few seconds in the hallway.
- Hearing a new song you really like and then downloading it and listening to it over and over and over.
- A certain smell that instantly takes you back to another place or time in your life.
- Being able to tell someone some genuine good news.
- The good pain of stretching your legs after sitting down for a long time.
- When someone scratches an itch on your back for you.
- When your dog or cat follows you all over the house.
- When you accidentally say something that rhymes.
- People who make you smile just by thinking of them.
- The exciting feeling you get when you’re getting off the plane in a city you’ve never been to before.
- Receiving a surprise hug from behind by someone you were looking forward to seeing.
- The feeling of a fresh mouth after you brush your teeth.
- Being on the beach at night.
- Waking up early and going someplace, like the beach or a park, and being the only one there.
- Hearing a song that seems to be written about exactly what’s going on in your life right now.
- When you make eye contact with a friend from across the room and you both automatically smile.
- The “butterflies in your stomach” feeling of a new romantic relationship.
- Waking up from a weird dream and remembering every last detail.
- When your jaws and cheeks ache from too much laughing.
- Singing and dancing around the house with music blaring when no one is home.
- The cold side of the pillow on a warm summer night.
- Singing every word to your favorite song at the top of your lungs.
- Finally being able to pee after you were forced to hold it for a while.
- Those days where you’re completely free to do whatever you want without worrying about school or work.
- The hilarity of an inside joke. You’ll never get it unless you were there at its inception.
- Seeing a shooting star.
- When you’ve found or made the perfect gift for someone and you just can’t wait to give it to them.
- When you’re really upset and someone makes you smile.
- A first kiss. The sweet rush of butterflies in your tummy when you kiss someone special for the very first time.
- Returning to the exact same warm spot in your bed after you get up to pee in the middle of the night.
- Walking barefoot through soft grass.
- When you find out the name of a song you’ve been wanting to know forever.
- Glancing at the person you really like only to catch them looking at you too.
- Getting something cool (and unexpected) for free.
- The moment when you crawl into bed after a long, tiring day.
- Finding money in a pair of jeans you haven’t worn in a while.
- Grabbing your phone to text someone and seeing that they have already texted you.
- Jumping from the jacuzzi to the pool and back to the jacuzzi again.
- Listening to the birds chirp outside as the sun rises into the sky on a sunny Sunday morning.
- Waiting until nobody is home and then blaring your favorite tunes and dancing all over the place.
- This scenario: “Where’s my phone?” “I’ll call it!” “It’s on vibrate!!!!” “Everyone SHHHHHHHH!!!” “I hear it!” “Found it!”
- When someone special brushes their fingers through your hair.
- Throwing food up in the air and catching it in your mouth.
- Shouting out random numbers when someone is counting.
- Great sex.
- Making a wish and then having it come true.
- Feeling like you truly belong somewhere. Like you don’t have to pretend to be anyone you’re not. Like you can just be yourself and you know that everyone around you will accept you for it.
- Picking up something small off the floor with your toes.
- Learning a new skill all by yourself.
Neliela izlase no 365 lietām kuras rada prieku! :)
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