Today you're the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be again.
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

take more time
Every autumn I listen to whispers of tree leaves. Every autumn they get more silent than a year before, but their stories tell about everyone they meet. This year I pass them on early mornings. Each morning they look at me, they know. A part of me has moved on, a part of me has found someone else. I look again deep inside my feelings, I start to sparkle. Now and then I even forget how I got this far. They never judge, everything I am today is the best part of me. They know that tomorrow it will be even better than today. Every, this autumn they'll talk about me.
just one day
Vai atceries smieklus, kas mūs vienoja? Vai atceries mūsu kaislīgos skatienus?
Kādas spēles gan dzīve ar mums spēlē? Vai asaras un skumjas tā vien redzēt vēlas?
Tu ienesi manī nelielu dzīvesprieka devu, tu parādīji man brīnumus no nekā. Tavā klātbūtnē nogurums nebija nekas, un smiekli bija skaļāki par visu. Tas bija tikai viens neliels mirklis, mirklis kurā likās, ka esam filmu varoņi un visa pasaule mūs vēro.
Vai atceries kā mēs bēgām no lietus? Vai atceries kā ik mirkli kad tikāmies laiks paskrēja pārāk ātri?
Kāpēc gan laiks bija tik ātrs un tagad tas ir apstājies? Vai sāpēm vairāk pienākas kā priekam?
Klusumā vienīgā skaņa bija mūsu sirdspuksti - tie stāstīja neticamus stāstus par to, kas nekad nebūs. Es meklēju kādu skaidrojumu, kādu kārtību. Meklēju ceļu atpakaļ, cerību, ka šis ir tikai sapnis pirms rītdienas. Tomēr, jo ilgāks laiks paiet, es saprotu, ka tu biji dārgākais brīnums, kuru es nekad nespēšu atgūt.
make me feel good
Mirror, mirror on the wall
I never thought I would live this far
I made some simple things
But every early spring
You did cut my wings
Mirror, mirror on the wall
You tried to take me all
I made some simple dreams
But every early spring
You made my mind empty as TV screen
Mirror, mirror on the wall
This is your last call
I ask for some simple healing
I will find you next spring
Till then I'll be waiting
I hate to admit this but I need someone
There are things I wish I could say out loud, but there's not a person in this world I could trust to.
There are tears that I wish to cry out, but there's not a shoulder in this world I could lean on.
There's just one hug I need, but there are no arms who would rush to hug me.
it reminds me of something I forgot
Somebody supposed a thing
That none of us would think
The hopes we denied
Desires we hid
We have to say we are fine
We're not ready to cross the line
Awkward smile and look your way
I try to change it every day
Somebody asks why not?
I reply - It's too late
This choice none of us could make
Kizomba - a music that catches your ear and a dance that catches your soul.
Kizomba is all about “connecting people”.
Being born in a continent with a effervescent musical history, kizomba is a result of an evolution: young generations, listening to traditional music like semba, felt something was missing - a modern and sensual touch. Adding an electronic percussion with a slow and extremely sensual rhythm… kizomba was born.
running away in dreams
Empty days
In an empty house
The dreams are lost
And the good days gone
Memories are here
But they can't make it real
Nightmares are my future ghosts
No matter how I beg to stop
They take from me the most
Only thing they leave for me
Is this empty house
Ziņas (Atom)