Fools and beggars
One after million, millions after one
Roaming this forgetfull realm
Gazing out to stars to heal
Easily it is to forget
The ones we let down
Messed up hair on her head
Easily it is to let her go
Even all stars have fallen
At the darkest days
Silently she stays a fool and a beggar
In this realm stuck forever
Lying to herself and others
You just have to forget easily
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

I never wrote to you before
I don't think I ever actually saw your eyes, to know how good or bad you were. Don't blame me though, I was too young, too naive. Rushing to live my life that I might have just forgotten to stop. Yet when I hear you asking for me, it always crosses my mind. In a world full of people who don't care, why is it that you care? Maybe I even hurt you a bit, maybe I feel sorry for that. Don't blame me though, I was too reckless, too scared. Rushing to live my life, that I might have forgotten that others might be living in it too. Maybe I would like a redo, maybe if times were different I would want to actually know who you really are. Don't blame me though, I've grown and I know, I made mistakes. Thats just a part of the lives that we live.
Ziņas (Atom)