You saw tears watering up my eyes, I had to hide them from you. I turned around as a child hoping that you wouldn't notice. You asked if I'm alright, I said yes. You put your arm on my shoulder and with a concerned voice asked me am I really alright. I just didn't know what I was expected to say.
I could've said that I feel as empty as this room. How my own voice echoes in this room until I hate hearing myself speak. How my breaths seem too long to take and I just don't want to take them anymore. Every squeek and tiny sound in the middle of night keeps me awake, frightened that those hell hounds would come chasing me. Even if I knew it was all just in my head. I was just silently begging for help, but when I asked for it aloud everyone just brushed it off and said that's just how we all feel. I screamed inside my head. Help me! Help me!
I might as well keep crying. Everything is just in my head. Even you are just a plot of my imagination, that just keeps me less alone at moments like this. I know I won't get help, everyone will ignore me cause they have never thought much of me. And why would they waste even just a second of their precious time on me. I'll just keep filling this emptiness with my long breaths, and keep hating my own voice. One day I might as well just stop.
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

Keeping secrets
Talk to me.
What's on your mind, what makes me awake tonight?
Talk to me one more time, about future and lets forget the past of ours that held us back.
Before you roll away to the other side, I want to look deeper in your eyes to see that this is real.
Tell me.
What you want to be, I tell you who I am.
Tell me things only you know, repeat and tell me to forget, but I never will forget.
Before I let you go one more time, may your dreams be full with wonders, and I'll brush your naked skin with my words.
Be with me.
As if of tommorow won't we be anymore.
Be with me so simply, that the world go wild.
Do you?
Only make me feel excited for today, I feel you boiling me up, as the truth I can give you.
Do you feel how I feel for you, darling?
What's on your mind, what makes me awake tonight?
Talk to me one more time, about future and lets forget the past of ours that held us back.
Before you roll away to the other side, I want to look deeper in your eyes to see that this is real.
Tell me.
What you want to be, I tell you who I am.
Tell me things only you know, repeat and tell me to forget, but I never will forget.
Before I let you go one more time, may your dreams be full with wonders, and I'll brush your naked skin with my words.
Be with me.
As if of tommorow won't we be anymore.
Be with me so simply, that the world go wild.
Do you?
Only make me feel excited for today, I feel you boiling me up, as the truth I can give you.
Do you feel how I feel for you, darling?
Ziņas (Atom)