Only 30 days left. I made a promise. But can you make sure you do your part?
It's simple as that. I have never broken any promises I make.
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

My temporary escape
While you wait for a perfect moment
I will walk out the door
And you might miss a chance to take
Did you even want it enough to break?
One day silence will flake
Another day
I will become just a blurry day dream
Of the days that past us by
With just two walls between us
Did you even enjoy it at all?
I will walk out the door
And you might miss a chance to take
Did you even want it enough to break?
One day silence will flake
Another day
I will become just a blurry day dream
Of the days that past us by
With just two walls between us
Did you even enjoy it at all?
Carry me through
Only I can see with my eyes, the lives that just might, but won't exist. Living one heart through thousand lives. All the pains, all the tears and all the sacrifice. All the love, all the smiles and all the care. All the bad and all the good.
So is this how am I supposed to live all my life? All that I can and can't. Sometimes too much for me to take, but I still can't stop myself going back again and again.
Only with my eyes I can see, all that could, is and will be.
So is this how am I supposed to live all my life? All that I can and can't. Sometimes too much for me to take, but I still can't stop myself going back again and again.
Only with my eyes I can see, all that could, is and will be.
Unreal paper dreams
You make my life complicated and my mind uneasy.
Why? Why?
Why do you?
I fear for this to never be over. Even if I have to find nonxistent excuses for myself I want you out of my head.
Why? Why?
Why do you?
Did i ever
I can't. I can't understand the reasons, for these things.
I can't. I can't stop blaming myself for all that went wrong. Was it really me? Is there even any way to find out truth.
If within all that you blame me, it really was all me. Then why did I choose to stay?
I can't. I simply can't understand why. You were the person I was supposed to be loved by, be supported by. Instead I just got blamed.
Maybe you are the reason I can't seem to love.
But maybe it is all just me, asking for too much. If I ask for less I won't be able to fill the void you left in me?
And that I still can't.
Ziņas (Atom)