If I close my eyes, I stare into the abyss of darkness. Just a little step over and I am one with the darkness. Instead I just swing back and forth, not here not there. In between. Let the music crawl slowly up my spine.
Let the wind howl away the worry.
It is a fight I cannot fight. I stare into the shadows all around, hope to see the faces I know. Instead there are just glimpses of maybes and madness waiting for his time to come. What is there to stop me from giving into it? Let the madness take me, while I am still sane.
I let the music slowly crawl up my spine.
I let the wind howl away the worry.
Back and forth I go.
Who will stop me?
Who will take me, before the madness does?
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

If not?
Who are you, when you are the last to stay awake?
I want to be free
I feel most alive- only in my dreams. When wind howls away my worries, and I am safe in your arms. You gave me the safest feeling I have ever felt.
I feel most alive- only when I dance. Even when half a world keeps us apart, I can feel that dance with you. That musical divinity and connection through our bodies at 4am.I know I feel most alive when I have to put up a fight for the things I believe, but I cannot fight to be with you. I can just dream and remember the days long lost I spent with you.
I try to get over you, not that there is much to get over. No matter where I turn I just see your face, even when I close my eyes. Those are your eyes always staring back at me. I know I need to let go. So can you just go away out of my mind before I lose it completely?
Everytime I close my eyes
All I could do
Tonight. Before I go to sleep on my own. As I would always do. I can close my lonely eyes - just imagine.
Tonight. I keep them closed, only to see your brown eyes looking back at me. Looking deep within my broken parts. Make me feel safe - just imagine.
Tonight. I lay my hands on your soft face. Run up and down your warm skin. That makes me feel so alive - just imagine.
Tonight. I can only imagine. That tonight is not another night, where I have to be on my own. Feel like I am being held, feel like I am being heard. Just imagine.
Tonight. Before I drift to quiet sleep. Before I stare in to abyss of my mind. Before I listen to silence in the air, with voices unheard. I let myself not to be alone - just imagine.
Wall high
If I could lay down next to you. I would become your music, your art and the cold air you breathe. Be your touch, be your soul and be your support on the days dark.
Feel you
I keep you always at the back of my head, for a conversation real. I know it makes me safe this way.
After a long day, when noone else around cares enough to hear all the stories I have to tell, I know you are there. And sometimes I use his face as yours, even when I know it might never be. Sometimes you are just a toon out of my dreams, that drive me wild. You are someone without a face, or with all the faces at the same time.
Most of all you are a feeling. Feeling I want to feel for real, but for now you are just a feeling that keeps me awake until better days are to come.
I keep you at the back of my head, after dark when I lay down, to have a conversation real. You are someone I can only imagine.
Not a lie
Once I drop the rocks I carry within us, let them crack those hidden scars wide open. What was written, hidden between the lines, becomes one step closer to revealing the true self. When she becomes more than just myself, when she is another meaning in a sentence carried out in a darkness.
One step. Is all it takes to reveal the biggest secret of my life. So much lighter it becomes, so much easier to feel.
Let us speak
New year
I wish that every one of us out there, this year, have a warm shoulder to lean on after every hard, cold day. And have a pair of ears, who will be there to listen to our best days, or just someone to be silent with. I wish we all find what we are looking for!