Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

going back to who I used to be
Laiks ies. Daži aizmirsīs, bet citi pat neuzzinās. Es atcerēšos, es zināšu.
Laiks ies. Daži cerēs, bet daži nekad vairs neticēs. Es tev vienmēr noticēšu, es vienmēr cerēšu.
Laiks ies. Daži dzīvos, bet daži nekad nemēģinās. Es tev parādīšu kā izdzīvot, tik atļaujies pamēģināt..
Laiks ies. Daži cīnīsies, bet daži vienmēr izvairīsies. Es turpināšu cīnīties, pat ja tu no manis vairīsies.
Laiks ies. Daži sapratīs, ka laiks nav notverams, bet būs daži, kas to vēl turpinās ķert. Es slēpšu laiku no tevis, tad tas tev būs bezgalīgs.
Laiks ies. Es pazudīšu laikā, bet es vienmēr galu galā atradīšos. Es meklēšu arī tevi, kaut arī tu savā bezgalīgajā laikā būsi mani piemirsis.
Laiks ies. Tu aizmirsīsi, tu neuzzināsi. Es zināšu, es atcerēšos - tad kad tev vajadzēs es arī noticēšu.
Paņemiet mani, es lūdzu
Tik dariet to klusu, bez sāpem.
Paņemiet salauzto sirdi
Tik dariet to klusu, bez sāpēm.
Paņemiet dvēseli manu
Tik dariet to klusu, bez sāpēm.
Paņemiet sagruvušos sapņus
Tik paņemiet klusu.
Un neatgādiniet.
Paņemiet pēdējo cerību
Tik paņemiet klusu.
Un neatgādiniet.
Paņemiet visu.
Visu, kas vēl palicis pāri.
Atstājiet mani klusu, bez sāpēm.
Un neatgādiniet.
it will make me free somehow
There were lies and only few truths. I can't say I was surprised, that's just the way I was. It leads everybody to silent hating. Cross looks my way, words that would try to hurt me. Yet I learned how to loose these words without hearing them. That is a day when my heart becomes hard as stone and instead of tears you see me laughing. And if I'm not missing anything you'll be the one who one day will regret the lies you told. Maybe by that day I will be free from hate and anger that you created within me.
I try to hide,but you always find me
You were a part of my soul, maybe you still are. We played in two different teams, we played till the first sunlights. You burned my passions, you pushed me over my limits. I'm not sure if tommorow I'll meet you, or maybe today. But just a simple tought of you makes me smile, and every story of us is full of joy. It makes me happy that you miss me, I miss you too. I miss your gentle touch, your sweet lips, and those eyes. You gave me one of the best times of my life, you made me feel safe. We left each other halfway, we left wondering. Could it be all?
sometimes it hurts instead
Sometimes we have to make hard choices. But mainly we need to make them because of someone. Usually it is because we love someone so much that we would do everything to make them happy. I came back cause I tried to save myself. Only now I realize that with saving myself, I turned some other lifes around. I’m the mistake in their lifes, now I know I have to leave. I have nowhere to go, no idea of how to get away. I’m doing that so they wouldn’t have to fight and cry, I’m the one who brings these things. I can choose to break my heart, but mostly my heart is breaking when I see their tears. I never lived for myself, but they don’t know that. Their lifes and smiles are more important than I am. I will leave, thats the only way to save them from misery.
Even smile hurts today, My eyes are open. Finally I can see my place in this world. I have no place called home, and the closest place to home is the one I have to leave. I can’t stay here. Cause it hurts too much.
Ziņas (Atom)