Hello, my dear. This is first letter I accept from you, I guess it's my time to give you back what you gave me. It seems that I don't know much about you, while you know almost everything about me. I think that this letter is the only thing that could tell me something about you. We are two different people, but to tell the truth our agreement made us the same. Sometimes things might go wrong in your life, and maybe words couldn't change it a lot. You know that you were born as an angel, as a star with loving heart, and pure soul. Most of the time you're perfect just the way you want to be, so if you break I'm not going to judge you. Perfect people are allowed to break too. Don't torture yourself with these thoughts.
Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

it would be nice
You're close to me, closest you've been for a while. I can hear you breathing, I can feel your heartbeat, but somehow I feel emotionless, I can't feel that passion anymore. A year ago you being so close to me would make me loose my mind, but now it's like nothing. Now and then I look at you, old habbit I would say, I see nothing. I don't know where along the road I lost my passion, my love, a little sparkle that I had. And now I'm scared that it would never come back, if so I would never be like myself again. I don't care if it was you or someone else who made me this way, I want it to be the way it was.
I want my sparkle back.
chaos within chaos
Kārtējais haoss un pārspīlētā, prātam neaptveramā nekārtība, kas rada netipiski drošu sajūtu. Cauri tam visam es cenšos izsprausties, cerot nepaklupt aiz kāda pamestā domu grauda. Ko gan mēs darīsim, ja es nespēšu atrast pati savu saprātu, vai vēl trakāk būs, ja es viņu šeit pazaudēšu. Es esmu pārliecināta, ka es zinu, ko es vēlos, tikai nespēju to atrast. Lai gan ir iespējams, ka tas atrodas man acu priekšā un es vienkārši esmu par aklu, lai pamanītu. Man ir labi, tapēc es baidos, ka ja es mainīšu kaut sīkāko detaļu, tad viss sabruks. Pēc sabrukuma haoss kļūst par lielāku haosu, un zinot sevi tas ik dienu kļūtu haotiskāks un haotiskāks, līdz kādu dienu es atkal būšu aprakta neprātā. Mēs jau lieliski zinam kā tas beigsies, jāmācas no kļūdām. Haoss nēsā līdzi savu daļu neprāta, es tikai nezinu vai tam ļauties, vai aizstāt to ar uzmācīgo saprātu.
wisdom from strangers
"You are really good, I would say too good. You need to stop and
start listening."
-someone I know-
Photo by Stepans Žabins
something for nothing
If you're rather bored and have few hours of time you should check out this place - Abandoned places. This photographer is definitely very passionate about photography and abandoned places.
Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knows
We'll never stop wondering what could have been. That's simple as that. I think that is the hardest part of it all. But it's ok, every experience is worth something, good or bad. It just means life is getting us ready for something better, we just need to be ready to get that. We need to know how it is to be sad, so that we could enjoy happiness to the fullest. Then eventually instead of wondering about what could've been, we'll know for sure that everything led to what it is.
Ziņas (Atom)