Me and my sister like to have our sleepy morning talks. Most of the times we talk about some lame stuff. Today out theme was "What love looks like?" We didn't talk about it as a feeling, we decided to make it imaginary. So the first creature that comes into our mind is love that we give to our closest people.
Mine was the Apidose from Doctor Who.
Conclusion: All of the closest people are bigger or fatter than I am, while I'm small and thin. So it means that I just give all my love (apidose) to people and don't leave much to myself.
For my sister it was white kitty.
Conclusion: Her love is very pure and fluffly. But it's still very small so it takes more than it can give to people around. It has some character too, but still lovable.
What your love looks like? What creature, color, character does it have? First one that pops into your mind, no need to overthink it.
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