There will never be enough time for us. Or the right circumstances that fit us together just like that. We just have to live of those small summer bits, from way before. Just nice memories to keep us on. Just a small secret out of our reach.
Life just placed us so diferently. In my mind it will be one those half finished stories, that will make me keep awake at night. Making up the endings, if only's. We never get enough the right time. Never do I get the right words. The memories that won't fit in just right. That just is what it is.Mūzika iesitas asinīs un riņķo kā dzīvsudrabs, un es aizmirstu visu, visu... paliek tikai sajūsma un ļaušanās ritmam. Pazūd gan grīda zem kājām, gan jumts virs galvas – es jūtos tā, it kā lidotu starp zvaigznēm.

Frame it
I cannot tell about myself in few words. I am a book too deep for your eyes. As the years of mine progress, there will be more stories left untold. Memories forgotten, it all will just become a history. I am everything and nothing at the same time.
You know what I meant
From the darkest skies
She painted me
With the colors brightest
She confessed to me
She fell for those eyes
She meant every word she said to me
Falling was her favorite thing to do
You are the time
What if you were the one not given choice to leave? You thought you could just come by, go, say goodbye. If I had a chance to grab you tight, say don't go by. Hold your skin, and feel tender lips press against mine. Make a moment last a little bit longer.
I always knew
I want your hand to fit in to mine
Just feel us touch
I want to hear your voice
Just to fill the silence that surrounds me
I want to catch your eyes
Just as I reach to stroke your skin
I feel so close, every morning standing just right next to you. Yet we are too far away. There is no freedom in me, to do a thing to get what I want. Nothing hurts more than the feeling how everyone just comes and goes through my life. While I am just here looking for that tiny glimpse of connection somewhere. A small hope that maybe one day someone will last for a moment longer . Maybe one day I won't be the last one picked. Last one seen.
I want you to walk beside of me
Be a gold within the dirt
I want to catch up with you
Hold you until the sun comes up
I want to remember how it feels
Not only keep you in my dreams.
Two sides
Noone has to dance on their own
Some of us still do
Some of us choose to
Some do not
Noone has to feel sad on their own
Some of us still do
Some can choose to
Some can not
Noone has to keep silent when they have enough to say
Sometimes we still do
Sometimes we choose to be
Some other times we do not.
Fall with you
The skin. It is nothing but an empty shell, that keeps me away from you.From listening for something I have never heard. Touching skin I have never had a chance to touch before.
The lies. I am nothing without these white lies. I have been there lying next to strangers. Hearing what they want to say. Feeling what they feel. It is not the same way I want to be with you. Do not want to be strangers anymore.The world. We could open up a whole new chapter in our worlds, that we have built. Really be there, instead of craving to be somewhere else. Feel our shells to peel away, layer by layer. And you know it too. When the whole confusion is gone, and our made up walls break down.
Wake up.
Just be for us.
When I close my eyes, your voice is the last one I hear. In an empty space within my mind, made up conversations I rewind. Back in the days when I didn't feel like saying too much, so I had to let you speak. But now I wish that we could speak, for real, let me quit all of my old pretend. Instead we have all this empty space all around us that we just can not get to use.
When I leave to run away, to seek answers that I already know. For a quiet moment stop avoiding all that I feel. I know what it truly is what I need. Admit to myself the secrets hidden, and remember the one who made me feel save. Only one to not put me down. So now I wish that you could be here, let me touch you, hear you, be with you. This one time, but for real to be myself with you.
Moments away
This way
When I open my eyes, I have to deal with it all as I am one.
When I see inside how it feels, it makes sense like it would be better if there were two.
When I look around it is twisting, as I am one.
I can just keep on hoping that one day there will be two.
But for now I am one.
To be continued..
Hours and hours
Far far far away
All the songs you sang, all the dances you danced, all the smiles that filled you. Where did it all go?
I know that within all that emptiness, impeccable walls and icy cold breezes, you are still in there. Cause I made a promise to never kill you, even if others do try. Just hidden well, only for few people to be seen again. I will keep you safe till the last breath I take.
You are that one part that I will never kill in me.
Even if others do try.
Not a first
While you just sit
Watching me
The darker it gets the further you drift
Cause all you ever do is sit and watch
You won't budge, you won't scare
Even if I have gone wild
I know that through every crowd
Wherever I turn
You will just sit and watch
Hey, I can't call loud enough for you to hear
Hey, why don't you just stop this whole charade
Maybe instead of just sitting
Watching me
Say something, do something
Help with something
Instead of this whole pretend
Don't be unreachable stranger I barely know
Be someone, with someone
You just sit
Watching me
Locked out
Lion in a wardrobe
Double up
One day. One rainy day we will be held from all of our sides. Not just with these two tiny arms.
One day. One wonderful day we will celebrate the love. Unpredictable and still full of respect that is deserved.
One day. One full day we won't be alone anymore. We won't fall asleep on our own from that one day.
Off switch
Can you catch me when I trip down the pothole? Im breaking my own mind in the darkness surrounded. I just need someone to not let me tumble down again.
Can you just look at me? Im afraid I am turning invisible more and more each day. I just don't want to disappear into nothingness around.
Can you speak to me? I will try to listen this time before silence swallows me whole. I just don't want to be so silent all over again.
Every day is a beauty
Conversations lost
If only I would close my eyes
I could just sit still
That the time hasn't moved
Since the last time we spoke
Cold winter sun on our skin
Ask you?
How have you been?
Listen to the tales you spin
Take me to places I have never been
I forgot
I am playing the same part as usual. In a darkness that consumes my sanity, but it is nothing new. The fear within is the one that just revolts me. Is this all that will ever be for me?
To do
Parts of me
Every uneven night I become a secret you cannot know. Not like this, or that, in my own way. To be someone who I trully am to myself, I know what you will say - you have been too much of yourself, maybe it is enough. Maybe I might have, but not like this. This is a way only I would know.
Every fortnight I will be a little bit wild. Not less, not more, than the only way to make someone go mad. I know what you will say - you have been so wild enough, time for you to change. Maybe I might have, but none of this is your place to strip me off of my own skin.
You know what I will say - you will not be the first to try and cage me. Instead to walk my shoes and understand, you sow fears inside my mind. I say no more of this I am willing to take - you stealing away all the small bits off me.
I say that you will be the one to go.
Upside down
Girls turn to boys
This is the world we are living in
We want to try one
And the other
Experience each other
Sometimes just a little too much
But were the times better?
When men were men
And women were women
And all was just that
We still were complex creatures
Who didn't want writen structures
Boys turn to girls
And girls turn to boys
This is the new world we are living in
But he wouldnt
In the middle of the night
I wonder if he ever
Does think of me?
She is a loud talker
But only at night
When during her deepest sleep
She shouts out to me
Dont you dare ask for me
We were nothing
But a distant memory
With a shallow smile
And uptight touch
We just wouldnt care
To be
Look at this rhyme I crack
Just a dress on dress I stack
Pick out, first one cut
Not a moment here I want to be
I guess I will just go bare
Day long gone
Just too young and naive
Trusting and fearless i might add
That was all that got me
Mistakes, regrets
Fears and lots of tears
I was not so strong then
Maybe deep within a gasp
Looking for something more divine
That was all that got me
Falling stars, broken hearts
Lost time and simple smile
I was not so cold then
Just too kind and open minded
Devil was just waiting for my fail
That was all that got me
Heartless and malicious souls
Simple minded, empty people
They were all that got me
Feel in
We will run away, first, second and even the third time.
Under dark blue sky, in a garden full of light shimmer, we will know it all even better.
To lay down on flower swings and just stare into the stars that we cannot tell apart. Maybe we could, but not these times, we will have enough time to see. Later.
The only place that we will see deeper than ourselves will be each other eyes. Discover.
Offer before we take.
Sweet vulnerability, that even with the words that we don't know, we will feel it through.
Change places and be.
Hide in dark, deep corners and believe.
In a night way too short for us...
Did I?
Occasionaly I have to let in a small moment to myself, music and my inevitable thoughts.
Brushing fingers through my own soft hair. Feel the smoothness of my own warm skin. Realize that all I need I have within me.
And in a long time I haven't had a heart to admit to myself, that in a moment like this, there is not a person in the world that I would like to be here with me.
Just myself, music and refreshing thoughts.
Ages ago
One day
I want to feel your fingers brushing down my story pages. While you let me pull you in for hours, to try and figure out the upcoming twist.
I want to be the best book you have ever held.
I want to...
Be real
Third one's charm
Going back to the coldest night, where we didn't get a chance to talk. Maybe next time when we do, it won't seem so cold anymore.