
happy every day

Another year has past. 

All I can say this has been a wonderful year. 

I have acquired many new friends, have done some exciting things.

 I've grown a lot - as a person, as a dancer.

 I'm sure the next year will be just as exciting.

Wish you all to have an amazing next year, and I hope your most desired wishes come true!


I'm just a fool

At days like these who knows what matters anymore. What is right or wrong? Where is the truth and where are the lies? I've doubted people so many times and just this one time I tried not to. From this day on, I'm not sure how to trust people anymore. It makes me think of who I am. It makes me question myself. I don't even know if it's alright for me to feel bad. Knowing  that people consider me as a bad character. What if they are right?  When the pain bleeds through my blood, I try my best not to cry. One moment I can be in paradise, but next I'm frightened from myself. Instead of listening to my thoughts I turn on some stupid love songs. Instead of sleeping I keep myself up, trying to keep all the nightmares away. I wish I could erase some memories, and some feelings. I'm a fool. I'm a fool a little too much. I just don't know why.


maybe just one more

As a shadow creature I crawl out through the darkness. When you expect it the least I surprise you in the middle of the night. But that one time you surprised me, and now crawling through shadows don't seem the same anymore, when only thing on my mind is you. And there I go again, tattooing your name all over my heart.  And I know that at the same place where we met the first time, you'll be there. But only one condition you have made - I have to drop my shadows, and see the sunrise with you.

dreamy mood


one solution

I was lying in my bed, waiting for this day to end. Waiting for next morning for sun to come up and start a new day. Every click of a clock went through my soul. Instead of moving forward it felt like time was moving backwards. Slower and slower it kept hitting me. I tried to close my eyes forget and sleep, but this image couldn't get out of my head. I tried to get my attention to something else, but I always came back. Those were endless hours of annoying waiting. And it repeatedly happened night after night. Until once it struck me - a simple solution. I found a way to get my peace back.
Now it seems peaceful, finally it's silence. The clock is moved to another room.  


In these hard days a girl like her sometimes feels like some stranger roaming the world. Instead standing up tall, she sits down on a lonely chair. And lets imagine that is the last thing she has. Half dark room, with only one ray of light, she's hoping that maybe... You can hear her breathe in all emotions she has kept within her. All hopes for him. Hopes that one day his lips will touch her sensitive body. That one day instead of lying in this dirt around her, she'll be able to breathe free. And after a while when moment has past, people seem to get further and further away from her. Even simple Hello and Goodbye can become something frustrating. Although story of her dead cat is more disturbing to me. It becomes nothing for her and people around.


one of the best

Wrong or right, it won't matter. As long as I feel good about this today, nothing else matters. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring for us, but today it's just a little thought to smile about. All the other unimportant earthly things disappear. My lonely heart feels in need for this.

P.S. My dear, you know how I always know, so this time I've either gone crazy or it eventually might become reality.



I think everybody has their favorite childhood toy which comes with best memories and stories. 
So mine is about 50 years old maybe even a little bit older (it used to belong to my father). When I first found him at my grandmothers house, she didn't want me to have it. I spent few hours crying and begging her to allow me to keep it. Since that day, I never let him out of my hands. It was my best friend, I took him everywhere. Once me and my parents went to town and I forgot him at home, when we came back I apologized to Teddy and said that I will never ever will forget  him at home again. When I was 7 years old I got into fight with my sister, as a result my Teddy lost his head. As my mother was busy that day, I had to be his doctor and  I sew his head back myself. You can see that he has blue threads on his neck and he finds it hard to hold his head at the moment. As we were moving places later, I didn't saw him for many years. But we were reunited 5 or 6 years ago. Now he calmly sits on a shelf, and brings back nice childhood memories.


what if it's all a dream

To tell the story with words, it has never worked out for me. I look over everything I've done, and I wonder is this all a reality or just some dream. Instead of knowing I keep guessing, until I'm not even sure about my own existence. What if it's all a dream I've created years ago to escape the reality. Some pieces fit together just fine, but sometimes it seems like everything is so wrong. Everything that is wrong should be fixed at some point, right? Yet it takes forever, to find the wrong or missing piece in this huge puzzle. Then I start loosing my mind over every little thing, trying to change something. When I've lost all of questions and most answers, when I don't know where to go next - there is one thing I do to forget. I turn on my favorite song, close my eyes and dance. Seems like that is the only thing that fits in this puzzle. I allow myself to fly, then sometimes answers come to me, even if I don't have the questions. That's the only way I can tell my story without words. 


say do you wanna play?

What these nights are doing to me? Another stranger or maybe the same one roamed around my dreams. Not allowing me to see his face. He took my hand, and ridiculous smile of mine just crawled out. I don't think I ever had a smile like that. Feeling of safety and love. Happiness, endless happiness until my morning alarm rings. And all I can remember is the feeling. Stranger, who you are? Are you someone from my past, from present or maybe someone I'll only meet in the future? Or maybe again my brain keeps playing these invincible games? 
Who ever dared to get me in this kind of mood? 


I have my own ways

When you wake up in the early summer morning look out of your window. What you'll see is early morning sunlight and one single butterfly. Doesn't matter if you believe it or not - it is me. Fragile, careless, magicaly beautiful and unreachably wild butterfly. I avoid you and come close only  enough to become neither your friend, nor enemy. And in a simple blink I can be gone, hidden, or too far for your reach. Free and with millions changing natures - I know you'll never find someone like me again. There is no right way to capture me, only the way you give me freedom and even then I'll never be completely yours. When you wake up in the summer and you see a butterfly remember me, believe it or not in a magical way I'll remember you too.  


play my strings

Oh, my dear, I finally have something wonderful to tell you. Big cities - they always hold suprises for me. I felt empty for a while, but magic just came back. Seems my soul is singing again, and my eyes and lips can't stop smiling. If only you knew the way he played me, you would understand. He played me like he would play a beautiful song on his guitar. String after string. He made me a part of music. His dark eyes and wonderful smile stunned me so much that I could barely talk. And every dance with him was something more than I can explain. With all the sparkles back, I still feel sad. Who knows when will I meet him again? Who knows when will be the next time he plays every string of my body and soul?
Oh, my dear, this was the feeling I missed so much. So even if I never see him again, for now I have someone to fill my dreams with.



goal is only one

What if, at least some times, we could live here and now? How about letting the past and the future remain just that? Why won't you just stop take a deep breath, look up the sky and count the stars. Forget your list and things you need to do. Just for a moment you're allowed to forget.

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows:
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare. 
W. H. Davies - Leisure



little wonders

Meet the Robinsons (2007) - best cartoon I've seen in years, my advice is to watch it.
Here's a song from the movie, also very beautiful.  


how you're gonna find the sea

one thing I can do the best

I close my eyes and go with a flow, I want to see where can it take me. I'm not the one who regrets my choices, I just wonder what if, what if, what if...  It's just the hope that I've lost, some old memories of life that was not real, and it gets me here to illogical people and misunderstood ideas. And I can't say it bugs me a lot, it gives me some emotions, some feelings I missed. If only I knew how far would I allow myself to go. If only you could close your eyes and go with a flow, then we could see where does it takes us. If only you would come a little closer, I would lean in and with my lips whisper in your ears how simple everything actually is. I close my eyes to go with a flow, I never know where will I go.


now it sounds more like me?

Katra jaukā sajūta ir kaut ko vērta, nez kapēc gan es turpinu no tā visa baidīties? Vai es vairs neprotu izbaudīt vienkāršu mirkli bez sevis apšaubīšanas. Un varbūt tās nav domas, kuras man būtu jādomā piecos no rīta. Man jau arī negribās kādam nodarīt pāri nepelnīti, un visvairāk negribās nodarīt pāri pašai sev. Un uz visiem šiem stulbajiem jautājumiem, kurus es turpinu uzdot no jauna un jauna līdz es izveidoju nesaprotamu vārdu plūsmu, es atbildes jau zinu. Tikai vēl neprotu tās pieņemt, un patiesībā pieņemt pati sevi.


autumn talks

It is easy to walk out of somebody's life, easier than to walk in. I think that is one of my biggest fears of all. Knowing that someone who you give your trust to could at one point decide that he's tired of you. It has happened before, and there is no chance for me to know that it will not happen anymore. And at the same point I can't avoid people all my life, sooner or later I will have to let someone inside. 


we all got the love

Me and my sister like to have our sleepy morning talks. Most of the times we talk about some lame stuff. Today out theme was "What love looks like?" We didn't talk about it as a feeling, we decided to make it imaginary. So the first creature that comes into our mind is love that we give to our closest people.

Mine was the Apidose from Doctor Who. 
Conclusion: All of the closest people are bigger or fatter than I am, while I'm small and thin. So it means that I just give all my love (apidose) to people and don't leave much to myself. 

For my sister it was white kitty.
Conclusion: Her love is very pure and fluffly. But it's still very small so it takes more than it can give to people around. It has some character too, but still lovable.

What your love looks like? What creature, color, character does it have? First one that pops into your mind, no need to overthink it. 



Kā porcelāna lellītes mēs savos paredzētajos plauktos pavadam dienas. Nekustīgi mēs raugāmies tālumā, un spēlējam sev piešķirtās lomas. Bet tad, kad palēnām sāk aust tumsa, un mūsu īpašnieki dodas pie miera, mēs uzplaukstam smaidos. Mēs novelkam savas smiekļīgi neīstās kleitas. No plauktiem mēs rāpjamies ārā, un dodamies redzēt to, ko vēl neesam redzējusi. Mēs smaidam, dejojam un dziedam. Mēs kļūstam par dzīvām dvēselēm, kurām pēc mazsvarīgo lomu izpildīšanas nepieciešama atpūta. Tā katru nakti mēs klejojam, spēlējamies un priecājamies, lai atgūtu nokavēto. Un katru rītu ar dziļu nopūtu mēs dodamies atpakaļ savos plauktos, kuros ar stiklainajām acīm mēs pavadītu dienas. Un, ja kādu rītu plauktā trūkst kāda porcelāna lellīte, tas nenozīmē, ka viņa ir pazudusi. Tas nozīmē, ka viņa vēlas atgūt savu brīvību un vairs neatgriezties plauktā, kura mēs visi pavadam ikdienu.


few of my favorites

"It’s beautiful when you find someone that is in love with your mind. Someone that wants to undress your conscience and make love to your thoughts. Someone that wants to watch you slowly take down all the walls you’ve built up around your mind and let them inside."
 “At the kiss I felt something melting inside me that hurt in an exquisite way. All my longings, all my dreams and sweet anguish, All the secrets that slept deep within me came awake, Everything was transformed and enchanted, everything made sense.”

We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories. 

choice without a reason

Manā prātā nemitīgi jaucas jautājumi bez atbildēm. Atbildes bez jautājumiem. Un kādu dienu, kad mums apniks runāties, kurš būs pirmais, kas aizies. Es kliegšu bez skaņas, jo tāpat tā būs tā pati kļūda, kas iepriekš. Vai mēs spēsim mainīt viens otru? Vai pēc šīm bezmiega naktīm, kuras būsim pavadījuši raugoties rudens apmākušajās debesīs, mēs zināsim, kur mēs aizgājām pa kreisi? Es skaitu skaitļus, burtus, zīmes. Vai tad, kad es salikšu tos kopā,  spēšu saprast vismaz sevi? Un manas acis ik pa laikam nozūd tālumā, kur pāri nenožuvušās krāsas kārtai tiek pārkrāsots pāri no jauna. Krāsu sajaukumā, vairs neviens nevienu nespēj saprast, kas ir pareizi un kas nē. Kas ir mūsu radītais haoss, un vai tas maz var būt kārtība? Es vienmēr atstāju nelielu vēdlodziņu vaļā, pa kuru jebkurš svešinieks var ierāpties iekšā. Un jebkurš var izvēlēties vai mēģināt, vai atkal uzbūvēt vēl vienas liekas durvis. Daži izvēlas neatvērt šīs durvis un nelaist nevienu iekšā. Un sev nezinot viņi rada haosu, tur kur iepriekš bija kārtība. Viņi rada jautājumus bez atbildēm un atbildes bez jautājumiem. Tad pāri naksnīgajiem pilsētas jumtiem un aizlijušām ielām slīd tikai klusums, kas brīnās: „Kas mēs esam? Kas mēs būsim?”


I think I have too much free time

If someone is incredibly bored or not in a good mood, then this should make it better :)

At first we can loose all the useless stress:

Then for a moment we can do nothing at all (don't cheat):
How to do nothing

When I'm bored I get hungry:
Now let's check how much we weight (you can cheat here):

 Some workout for those who feel a little bit fat:

Have a nice day! :)

Mhmm, that yellow dress. And I think Amneris has perfect hands.


tell me where I am

Mēs spēlējām spēles, un tad es varbūt noguru, varbūt es zaudēju. Es nezinu kā tad īsti bija, bet redzot tavu skatienu, acīmredzot tas ir viss. Palikušas atmiņas par kurām es vēljoprojām smaidu. Tavu sirdspukstu skaņas, tavs noslēpumainais skatiens. Cik smieklīgi, ka es vēljoprojām nezinu tavu acu krāsu. Vai jau kopš pirmās dienas, kad iepazināmies mēs nebijām pieraduši spēlēt spēles, vai tad mēs nezinājām, ka nekā nebūs. Un šodien, kad neprāts ir beidzies, es esmu pārliecināta, ka šeit vairs nav vietas meliem. Tikai tam, kas es patiesībā esmu. Tam, ka tu patiesībā nekad nezināji, kas es esmu. Būs kāds cits kuram spēles jau apnikušas, cits kura sirdspukstos klausīšos. Un ar laiku arī tu pieradīsi pie tā, ka nebūs vairs šī bezgalīgā monopola. Un ar laiku tu aiziesi no maniem sapņiem, atstāsi vietu kādam citam, kurš mani turēs tikpat cieši un pasargās. Mēs spēlējām spēles, viens no mums nogura, viens no mums zaudēja.


I could go higher

Kā lai es pasmeļu pasauli savās mazajās saujiņās? Kā lai es iemācos atteikt, ja tik ļoti baidos kādu aizvainot? Tas varbūt mans bērnišķīgums, kas mani tādu atstājis, bet kāda gan tam vaina. Vai mēs visi dziļi sirdī neilgojamies pēc bērnības un laika, kad bija vienkāršāk? Lai arī dzīves ceļi mūs izvadā cauri vilšanās ērkšķiem, vai tas mums aizliedz pa retam naivi kādam uzticēties? Un pat, ja atkal mēs nonāksim pie ērkšķiem vai uz mirkli mums nebūs piederējušas rozes? 
Pasmeliet pasauli savās saujās, tās jums lielākas nekā man.

you and I

One day you and I. We will fly so high. I'm loosing my shy and fear, to ask you for a dance. We both will share this feeling and dance till the first sunlight. We will dance, feel and dance. Perfect for each other, feeling into deepest parts of our souls. We'll feel like we're the only ones here tonight.  Perfect in our own ways. Together we'll accidentally break the world. One day you and I.


questions with no answers

Hello, my dear. This is first letter I accept from you, I guess it's my time to give you back what you gave me. It seems that I don't know much about you, while you know almost everything about me. I think that this letter is the only thing that could tell me something about you. We are two different people, but to tell the truth our agreement made us the same. Sometimes things might go wrong in your life, and maybe words couldn't change it a lot. You know that you were born as an angel, as a star with loving heart, and pure soul. Most of the time you're perfect just the way you want to be, so if you break I'm not going to judge you. Perfect people are allowed to break too. Don't torture yourself with these thoughts.


it would be nice

You're close to me, closest you've been for a while. I can hear you breathing, I can feel your heartbeat, but somehow I feel emotionless, I can't feel that passion anymore. A year ago you being so close to me would make me loose my mind, but now it's like nothing. Now and then I look at you, old habbit I would say, I see nothing. I don't know where along the road I lost my passion, my love, a little sparkle that I had. And now I'm scared that it would never come back, if so I would never be like myself again. I don't care if it was you or someone else who made me this way, I want it to be the way it was.
 I want my sparkle back.


chaos within chaos

Kārtējais haoss un pārspīlētā, prātam neaptveramā nekārtība, kas rada netipiski drošu sajūtu. Cauri tam visam es cenšos izsprausties, cerot nepaklupt aiz kāda pamestā domu grauda. Ko gan mēs darīsim, ja es nespēšu atrast pati savu saprātu, vai vēl trakāk būs, ja es viņu šeit pazaudēšu. Es esmu pārliecināta, ka es zinu, ko es vēlos, tikai nespēju to atrast. Lai gan ir iespējams, ka tas atrodas man acu priekšā un es vienkārši esmu par aklu, lai pamanītu. Man ir labi, tapēc es baidos, ka ja es mainīšu kaut sīkāko detaļu, tad viss sabruks. Pēc sabrukuma haoss kļūst par lielāku haosu, un zinot sevi tas ik dienu kļūtu haotiskāks un haotiskāks, līdz kādu dienu es atkal būšu aprakta neprātā. Mēs jau lieliski zinam kā tas beigsies, jāmācas no kļūdām. Haoss nēsā līdzi savu daļu neprāta, es tikai nezinu vai tam ļauties, vai aizstāt to ar uzmācīgo saprātu.



something for nothing

If you're rather bored and have few hours of time you should check out this place - Abandoned places. This photographer is definitely very passionate about photography and abandoned places. 


Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knows

We'll never stop wondering what could have been. That's simple as that. I think that is the hardest part of it all. But it's ok, every experience is worth something, good or bad. It just means life is getting us ready for something better, we just need to be ready to get that. We need to know how it is to be sad, so that we could enjoy happiness to the fullest. Then eventually instead of wondering about what could've been, we'll know for sure that everything led to what it is.


dance more than you breathe

We're the crazy ones. Dancing on the puffiest clouds and brightest stars.Marking little moments of our lonely lifes. Colliding our lost souls into something more powerfull. They say we are mad for happiness. But how are they supposed to know how it feels to be alive.They will never be as alive as we are. We were born as summer butterflies, leading recless life. And even if they think we are possesed by devil, there on the dancefloor we become white and pure. Just like newborns. Music blossom our love from little bud to beautiful flower. Our lips whisper words and our bodies express our passion. When we expect the least our hearts give out our deepest secrets. Deepest hopes till every beat makes us younger and younger. If they try to kill us because of our desires, we say come on us. We rather die as these colorfull butterflies, remembered as summer messengers, not as a blow of a wind, forgotten and never remembered. We are dancers, we manage to keep pure life and freedom under our flesh. 


Happy, happy Bday :)

Ahh... Vēl viens gads ir pagājis. Un kā jau ierasts man ir jāuzraksta sev pašai novēlējums. Ir pagājis ļoti dīvains gadiņš. Neskatoties uz visu, kas ar mani ir atgadījies prieks, ka šodien skatoties uz sevi viss ir perfekti. Protams nevaru noliegt, ka atkal esmu nedaudz savādāka kā pagājušgad. Bet laiks iet un es saprotu, ka es augu un protams mainos ar katru dienu. Protams nākotnē raugos ar cerībām un domāju tikai par pašu labāko. Es labrāt izklāstītu pāris savus īstermiņa plānus, bet šoreiz labāk to visu paturēšu pie sevis. :)
Tātad es ceru, ka man šodien jauka dieniņa un kā jau vienmēr es iešu padejot, lai viņa būtu vēl jaukāka. Un apēdīšu arī kādu garšīgu kūkas gabalu :)


Found a nice qoute

"Some people are just copying whatever we do :-) I guess it is a good sign. Seems like we do some stuff worth to copy it... However message to those who simply copy 1 to 1: you will ALWAYS be behind. In order to get ahead you need to create your own stuff !"



butterfly stories

When I'll loose my dearest rainbows can I ask you to bring me some of those beautiful stars. I believe you could reach them for me. But who you are, it stays unknown. You're some kind of shadow, that brings me butterflies and fireflies. Butterflies for colorfull days, fireflies for light nights. Sometimes you give me this early morning rain, so that when I wake up, I could smell these magical scents of lilac. You give me wings, and reason to fly wherever I want to go. Reminders of wishes I made last springs. Your kisses are my fears, but for the sake of angels tears, I believe you're not gonna be the one who breaks my wings.


Donkey in the well

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the well, and was astonished at what he saw. As every shovel of dirt hit his back, the donkey did something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed, as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off.

The Moral:

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up!



Underwater pictures by Elena Kalis. 

I always wonder how they manage to look so good under water.


viss vienkāršais izrādās sarežģīts

Tas būtu vienkārši, ja viss notiktu tā kā vēlos es. Kaut kas nebūtu kārtībā, ja atkal viss nebūtu sagājis greizi. Liekas, ir lietas kuras varu noslēpt un ielikt sava prāta arhīvā, aizmirst. Līdz mirklim, kad negaidīti pienāk diena, kad viss slēptais pēkšni sagrūs pār tevi. Un tad es nezinu kā to visu atrisināt. Tad ir jāstāsta jauni meli, un tad, kad atkal būs labi arī tie nāks gaismā. Ja es turpināšu savus melus pārklāt ar meliem, cik ilgam laikam ir jāpaiet līdz manai izdomai aptrūksies melu. Bet varbūt vienreiz man vajadzētu pateikt visu kā ir, un neradīt problēmas sev. Tas būtu pārāk vienkārši, ne?
Vai tiešām nav neviena, kas mani izvilks no šī neprāta? Kad pienāks diena, kurā es varēšu mierīgi uzelpot un vairs nedomāt kā atrisināt sevis pašas radītās problēmas?

Ja vien man piederētu Reset poga.


hard to move on

Tu turpini dzīvot, bet es. Es vēljoprojām ceru, ka spēšu pagriezt laiku atpakaļ. Katru dienu man tevis pietrūkst un tavs smaids manā atmiņā pamazām izdziest. Man trūkst mūsu bezrūpīgo nakšu. Laiks, kad neskatoties uz nogurumu mēs maldījamies pa skaistajām Londonas ielām, smējāmies un vērojām pirmos saules starus. Man trūkst tavu pieskārienu un skūpstu. Man liekas, ka ar tevi es atļāvos būt es pati. Dažbrīd liekas, ka es spētu atdot visu, lai tikai būtu atkal pie tevis. Tagad jau ir par vēlu, lai nožēlotu kļūdas. Mēs dzīvojam savas dzīves. Tikai tu  varēji turpināt, man bija jāsāk no jauna.


I need to learn how to say goodbye

Es ceru ka šie būs pēdējie vārdi, ko es tev rakstu. Man bija muļķīgs sapnis šonakt, bet tas parādīja visu par mums. Es esmu kā slīkstošs cilvēks, es savā neprātā pēc tevis slīkstu aizvien dziļāk un dziļāk. Es nespēju tikt atpakaļ, izņemot tad, ja tu mani metīsies glābt. Bet vai tu mani glābsi? Es savā neprātā pati būšu vainīga. Man gan vēl ir laiks pirms es ieveļos ūdenī, es vēl paspēšu pagriezties atpakaļ, paspēšu ieklausīties citu cilvēku brīdinājumos. Man ir bijis daudz brīva laika, kurā es varēju apdomāt visu par mums. Un cauri naiviem sapņiem es zinu, ka mēs esam tikai manas nerātnās iedvesmas augļi. Bet es nevēlos būt vairs sava neprāta vergs, jo tas tikai lauzīs manu sirdi. Es palikšu saprāta robežās, un pateikšu tev nē. Domājot par tevi es izniekoju visu laiku, bet es tā vairs nevēlos. Es vēlos iemācīties peldēt pati, lai man vairs nebūtu jāslīkst savā nepratā pēc tevis.



Es atradu savu taciņu un pa to devos uz priekšu. Nezinot kas būs aiz nākamā līkuma es satraukti smaidīju. Ceļš bija grūts, bet atstāja tas miljoniem atmiņu. Katrs solis bija jauns piedzīvojums, katra diena bija kā pārsteigums. Pēc lietus es redzēju miljoniem varavīksnes, vakaros mierīgi vēroju visskaistākos saulrietus. Es saplūcu baltos ziedus, un dejoju ar taureņiem no rīta līdz vakaram. Vecā ābele man iedeva savus gardākos ābolus. Un tas nekas, ka sauli mēdza aizstāt krusa un lietus. tas nekas, ka mani ļaunie vilki plosīja. Saule un debesis bija tuvāk man.
Bet tad es pēkšņi nokļuvu atpakaļ uz vecā lielceļa. es nespēju atrast ceļu atpakaļ. Es nezinu vai atradīšu vēl citu taciņu. Es eju vienmuļi uz priekšu cerot, ka kādu dienu atkal nokļūšu tur, kur man bija vislabāk. Tad nebaidoties no nekā es atkal došos pa mazo taciņu.



If you're going to get into this business and you love dancing. All you have to do is concentrate on watching many people dance and watching their personalities while they dance. Then you have to practice and develop your own style. You must bring in your own soul to whatever you do and you'll make it from there.

Millie Donnay